星期四, 二月 07, 2008

A letter to Motorola

Just send my reply to Motorola(mot_mailbox@custhelp.com) for my E6 iSync plugin. In case they can't see my letter for some reason, I post a copy to my blog here.
Dear Madam/Sir,
Would you please send me some details about the E6 cell phone? I want to make an iSync plugin myself. obviously, I need your help. Please don't send shits like go to dev.motorola.com for details, cause I have read the materials there. It's no use at all!
Well, update my question at custhelp.com? Don't even think about it! I can't login this site any more! It's not my fault, because I rember my ID and password very clearly! And my network is under good condition. So, it's you that have closed my mouth at custhelp.com! It's unfair!
Please think about my question VERY serious! Thank you!


前段时间入手了一部moto rokr e6手机,基于Linux系统。整部手机外形出众,直板,是我喜欢的那种风格,工业设计精美,做工一流,从外表来看,趋于完美。
拿到e6后自然想拿它同我的iBook G4(Mac OS X,Leopard系统)同步,把我的通讯录及日程安排倒入手机,结果是"iSybc doesn't support this device"。这不是Apple的错,因为Apple已经提供了iSync Plug-in Maker,让你自己制作iSync的手机插件。但是我费了九牛二虎之力也不能制作出一个能正常同步的插件,甚至在制作初期就无法通过iSync Plug-in Maker测试,也就是e6根本无法与Mac通讯、对话!在网上搜了一大通--估计Google也快烦我了--也没有一个解决方案,可以说目前全球无一人解决了这个问题。
于是给Motorola的客服写信,一来二往,被对方告知e6不支持Mac OS X操作系统:
Dear Motorola Customer,

Thank you for contacting Motorola e-mail support.

We appreciate your request and also we apologize for any inconvenience you might have experienced with your product.

Regarding your inquiry, Motorola does not support Macintosh computers, therefore, we do not develop compatible programs or devices with those Operating Systems.

However, we can suggest you to access the following link in order to check the compatibility and the features that your phone can perform with your computer.



We really appreciate your interest in our brand and our products.

If you have further questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to write us back or contact our Customer Care Center directly at 1-800-520-6431 so that a Customer Care Professional can better assist you. Our business hours are Monday through Friday from 6:00 AM until 9:00 PM CST and also Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM CST.

Thank you for choosing Motorola.

Motorola Email Support Team.

真是气不打一处来,Nokia、Sony Errisson等都发布了官方的iSync Plugins,你moto就不能?真的是没有技术能力?显然不是嘛!这样的插件对于这样的一个大公司而言真的是小菜!


klaith: http://blog.klaith.net/post/276

不管Linus怎么说,从一个用户来讲,特别是我这样一个从Linux走到Mac OS X的人来讲,Linux真的还有很多事情要做。不是因为表面上Mac OS X的繁华吸引了我这样一个不见世面的菜鸟,而是Mac OS X上确实有很多体贴的设计。

星期三, 二月 06, 2008


Blackberry 7100t一直提示sim卡错误,电池也不能持久,于是让它工作一年零一个月之后退休,请进moto rokr e6。装上Oprea mini 4,居然能上Blogger了!惊喜!于是博它一篇。