星期二, 三月 17, 2009

[看图说话]Nambu,很不错的 Twitter Mac 客户端

找了好久 Mac 下的 Twitter 客户端。一直用 Twiterrific,界面挺漂亮,但功能太阳春;其它一些不错的客户端如 Twhirl 都是基于 Adobe Air 的,而后者在我这个四年半的老本本上实在是太慢了。有 推友推荐 Nambu,试用后发现比较适合自己。废话少说,看图:
可以看到 Nambu 界面不如 Twhirl 等花哨,不过也还算简洁,并且功能不弱。
  1. Nambu 具有单栏、多栏(与 TweetDeck 类似)显示,默认为带侧边栏的显示方式,与 Apple Mail 的风格类似,比较方便查看信息。
  2. Nambu 自带搜索功能。不要小看这个搜索,它可不是在软件当前显示的信息中进行搜索,而是到 Twitter 服务器上进行全局搜索,这是其它一些客户端所不具有的功能。
  3. 将鼠标停留在每一条推上就会在本推右方出现一个齿轮,单击就可以出现一系列的相关操作,对于用惯其它客户端的推友并不陌生。此菜单中还有一个其它客户端比较少见的“翻译 (Translate)”功能,很有趣。

  4. Nambu 的消息提示功能与 Apple Mail 一样,在 Dock 图标上标有未读的消息数;当然,它也支持 Growl。
  5. Nambu 还支持 Friendfeed, Ping.fm, tr.im 和 pic.im 等服务。
官网链接: The Nambu Network | Social Messaging Streamlined

星期四, 三月 12, 2009



2009年已经来到了三月份,我的博客长满了草。长满草的一亩三分地,看着一点儿都不心痛,原本我就没有太强烈的表达欲,写博只是好玩儿而已。昨天中午在办公室第三次看《纵贯线台北演唱会》(37 分钟版),看到他们四个老男人在台上那么投入、那么自我、那么享受,我就想能做着自己喜欢的事情是多么幸福的一件事儿啊!


第一次听说纵贯线是在这次春晚。记得电视屏幕上好像打过纵贯线的节目预告(我确实记不清到底有没有过)。什么啊?他们四个人怎么可能会组乐队?!当时根本不敢相信,直到零点过后他们真真切切地出现在屏幕上!我的天啊,真的是他们!看他们的表演,是那晚最 high 的事情!后来我又在电视上、网络上看过几回春晚的表演,每次都 high 到不行。前天白天在网上看了台北演唱会的部分录像,晚上又在优酷上翻到他们的访问视频来看──最终发现我是深深地陷进去了。我决定要做一回平生从没做过的事情——追星!


1. 李宗盛:《理性与感性作品音乐会》DVDCD


买 CD 版本,纯粹就是想收藏。

2. 张震岳:《滚石香港黄金十年-张震岳精选》、《OK》(又名《思念是一种病》)

在高中时听到《爱之初体验》觉得还蛮上口的,但是却没有因此而喜欢上张的歌。作为死板的中国教育下的产物,我几乎本能地认为张是坏小子,听他的歌会变坏,是不能听的。时过境迁,我的思想观念有了变化(主要是我自己有独立思想了)。前段时间无聊的时候看到 Twitter 上有人说起张震岳,一时兴起,到蝌蚪上找他的专辑来听。图省事儿,直接点了《精选》。奇怪我以前并没有专门听过张的歌,怎么他的歌我却是那么的熟悉?那天我几乎把蝌蚪上他的专辑听了个遍,才发现,我曾经错过了经典,不过不要紧,我可以迎头赶上。

3. 纵贯线
他们四人约好用一年的时间一起做有良心的音乐,于是台北演唱会他们出发了。保守估计,他们会出演唱会 DVD(具体哪场就不清楚了)及一张专辑 CD,攒好钱,就等他们发片了。


星期五, 十一月 28, 2008

Am I Happy As A Teacher?

Last evening, I had a talk with Lily, my wife. She said if I still worked in such a small city, Jurong, at about 40 years old, she would leave me. "I am no kidding." She said.

Her words directly led my sleeplessness. A bunch kind of ideas rushed into my brain till I fell asleep. The strongest one of them was "Am I happy as a teacher".

I have been working as a chemistry teacher in a college since I graduated from university in 2003. Of course, it's my first job as yet. Why I wanted to be a teacher? In fact, I didn't have the idea to be a teacher untill the last semester. I was doing a series of experiments for my graduate paper. Thus, I have lots of opportunities to stay with my tutors. Teaching, doing research work, and having a lot of spare time to do what they like to do is their life. They can get a lot of fun from them. I like it. So, when I got a chance to be a teacher, I seized it. I became a teacher.

So, am I happy as a teacher? I never asked me such a question. It's time to think about it.

At the early days when I became a teacher, I was happy. I spent time to prepare my class, to impart chemistry knowledge to my students, and to talk with them. It was pretty fun to stay with people at the same age of me. Althought there's no research work for me, which I anticipated, I still felt happy. About half a year later, the teaching secretary of the department was given a maternity leave. And I was appointed to do her job, about for a semester. I took it, with no any refuse. But I didn't refuse it not because I wanted the job, but I didn't know how to refuse my boss. That was and still is my weakness. This is a hard work for everybody, in my opinion. You got to deal with everything of the department, far more than teaching, from the beginning of the semester to the end. I had to handle many situations everyday, just like stringing the scattered beads with a fine nylon. I was busy at that time. But I was still happy, because I found I could do things right even if I was in a mess. Apparently, my boss did find it, too. I became the secretary in 2006. And still the secretary, now. Every year, every semester, every week, and even everyday, I do the same work. It becomes very boring. My happiness as a teacher has gone, with the wind, maybe. I only have 6 classes a week. Teaching is no more my majoy work. My life is no longer like my tutors'. I am NOT happy now. It's the answer.

What's next?

I have no idea right now. Maybe I am still a teacher with no happiness but not-bad-salary as I grow older. Or I should do something else fun. The sound from my deep heart tells me I should choose the latter. But I get another sound from my brain. He asks me what I could do if I am not a teacher, if I could fit myself out of the ivory tower, how to repay the loan from the bank...
I don't know. As I writing these words down, I realize that I should no longer shut myself up in the tower of ivory. I'd better start to learn some skills other than teaching chemistry, or to get a part time job to learn to get along with people outside the tower.

星期日, 十一月 09, 2008

让男人落泪的 MV

这是川子创作并演唱的《今生缘》,其 MV 真的很感人。

星期二, 十月 14, 2008



星期四, 九月 25, 2008

星期二, 九月 09, 2008

Keep Running: Day 5

就写到这儿,去玩刚下载的Brain Challenge游戏喽:)希望今晚Apple能出点让我惊喜的玩意儿。